How Your Donations Support Catholic Life in Orange County

Your generosity fuels the mission of The Orange Catholic Foundation and helps lead more souls to heaven! With your guidance and philanthropic intent, gifts directly bless Catholic schools, parish life, retired priests and other Catholic ministries in the Diocese of Orange.


Distributed by OCF in 2023


Supported Catholic Schools


Supported Parishes, Retired Priests
and Other Ministries


Qué está pasando en OCF

Sus generosas acciones a través de The Orange Catholic Foundation tienen un impacto visible en nuestra comunidad católica.

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Catholic Convert & Mom ayuda a las familias a experimentar el amor de Dios a través de planes patrimoniales

Laura Meier, una abogada fiduciaria que se convirtió al catolicismo, se asocia con la Fundación Católica de Orange (OCF) para ayudar a las familias a integrar su fe en sus planes patrimoniales. Descubra cómo se asegura de que se respeten los deseos de las familias y los valores católicos, los beneficios de un fideicomiso bien elaborado y los recursos gratuitos para comenzar. Además, descubra cómo las donaciones caritativas pueden tener un impacto duradero.
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Iniciativa de las parroquias hermanas de las escuelas católicas para unir corazones y construir futuros

¡Un nuevo programa conecta a las escuelas católicas con las parroquias de todo el Condado de Orange! La «Iniciativa Parroquial Hermana de las Escuelas Católicas» permite a los estudiantes compartir sus talentos y su fe con los feligreses y, al mismo tiempo, recaudar fondos para ayudar a pagar la matrícula.
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Christmas Blessings

Celebrate the arrival of Jesus! This Christmas message explores the wonder of the Nativity scene and the profound impact Jesus' birth has on humanity. Discover how the Holy Family teaches us about love, humility, and the true meaning of Christmas.
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The Orange Catholic Foundation Has Distributed Over $3 Million in Aid

As a foundation for Catholics, the Orange Catholic Foundation is always focused on our mission, to Raise, Manage, Grow, and Grant funds to support our Catholic community following donor intent.
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Business & Ethics Persevere in a Pandemic

Influential business leaders gather at the Orange Catholic Foundation's Conference on Business & Ethics to discuss faith-based best practices. This event raises money to directly help students like Marvelle Figueroa, who thanks the foundation for making "God a part of my life on a daily basis." Read more about how the Orange Catholic Foundation is making a difference.
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Strengthening and Nourishing Our Faith

Looking for ways to support Catholic education in Orange County? This article highlights the Orange Catholic Foundation's mission to provide financial resources for schools, parishes, and families. Discover how their endowment funds and strategic grant making are creating a lasting impact, and how you can be a part of the solution!

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