Evento de networking profesional católico

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Temporary Placeholder

The Orange Catholic Foundation’s Catholic Professional Network provides a space for you to intermingle with like-minded men and women who are looking to advance the work of the Church.

Catholic professionals at networking event.

Members get the opportunity to:‍

  • Asista a misa y establezca contactos con otros profesionales católicos
  • Experimenta un crecimiento personal, profesional y espiritual
  • Encuentre inspiración para vivir su fe tanto personal como profesionalmente
  • Descubra nuevas maneras de abrazar el llamamiento que Dios le ha dado y, al mismo tiempo, promover la obra de la Iglesia

Nuestro próximo evento será el 9 de octubre de 2024 en Irvine, California. Para obtener más información, llame al 714.282.3021 o envíe un correo electrónico Events@OrangeCatholicFoundation.org.

Mirando hacia atrás

OCF’s Catholic Professional Network truly began with an attorney appreciation and philanthropy empowerment event in October 2023 on the Christ Cathedral campus. Inspired by the enthusiasm for this unique space to connect with value-driven professionals, a Mass and Mixer followed in April 2024 at the Busch Firm Cellar and Queen of Life Chapel in Irvine, hosted by OCF and the Charles Institute. Since then, the network has continued to thrive and expand.

Our most recent event was on January 21, 2025 at St. Thomas More Parish, Irvine. It started with a Pray for LA Mass to lift up those impacted by the wildfires in Los Angeles. Afterward, we gathered in community to connect with fellow believers at a Catholic Professional Cigar & Whiskey Night. Our special guests were Auxiliary Bishop Timothy Freyer and Wing Lam, Co-Founder, Wahoo’s Fish Taco.

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