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Friday, March 20,2026
Hyatt Regency Irvine

La Conferencia sobre Negocios y Ética es un evento muy esperado en el sur de California que reúne a influyentes líderes empresariales, religiosos, académicos y filantrópicos llenos de fe. En asociación con Farmers & Merchants Bank, la Fundación Católica de Orange ha ofrecido este foro durante 22 años para inspirar a los líderes a llevar a cabo las mejores prácticas éticas, tanto a nivel personal como profesional.

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Homenajeados anteriores

Premio Bishop a la integridad empresarial ejemplar

El Premio del Obispo a la Integridad Empresarial Ejemplar reconoce a los líderes empresariales que demuestran prácticas éticas, tanto a nivel personal como profesional.

Joe Baldo 

Joe Baldo Bio Picture

Founder of Higher Ground Youth & Family Services. In 2007, towards the end of a successful career in corporate communications, Joe Baldo went in search of service that would highly impact those in need. Several different volunteer roles led him to juvenile hall in Orange in 2008. The harsh reality these teens faced was immediately clear.  After three years of experiencing the recidivism in the juvenile justice system, Joe knew that these youth desperately needed direction and a support system upon their release, so Joe left the Hall in 2010 to engage these same youth where they needed help the most. Joe’s small ministry grew rapidly and out of necessity, he founded Higher Ground Youth & Family Services (HG) in 2012.  

Within a year HG was granted the use of a 4-acre park in Downtown Anaheim. By 2016, collaborative agreements defined the critical roles of 6 university partners including service-learning classes taught on HG’s campus and behavioral health internships that allowed counseling services for our community. Enrichment programs were created and executed to prepare youth ages 7-17 for lifelong learning and resilience.  Through HG, Joe ensured these youth would have academic tutoring, literacy programs, youth development programs, STEM education, art and music therapy, a variety of sports, a community garden, a kitchen, free meals, and a dedicated family wellness center providing counseling, all at no cost.  

In 2019, the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force approached Joe to help create a human trafficking prevention program.  Today that program is presented by HG teams, to junior high and high school students within the Orange County Department of Education, as well as foster youth and youth in the juvenile justice system. As this nonprofit evolves, new initiatives and services continue to expand as HG develops programs.

Joe and Barbara, his wife of 44 years, raised a son and a daughter who are both Catholic educators in Orange County. In their spare time, Joe and Barbara enjoy their four grandchildren and are dedicated philanthropists advocating for the betterment of underserved communities. Joe is a parishioner at St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Yorba Linda.

Jim Snyder

Jim Snyder Bio Picture

Chief Executive Officer, Tidemark Real Estate Services. Jim Snyder has 40 years of real estate experience and was the top selling broker at Lee & Associates, Newport Beach for 30 years. Jim has orchestrated over $2 Billion and 200 million square feet of transacted commercial real estate. Tidemark was formed to combine and build on the core services of brokerage and property management. This combination allows the company to assist clients from strategy to acquisition whether lease, sale or investment.  

Jim and his wife, Coleen, celebrated their wedding 41 years ago at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Costa Mesa. Together, they have two children (Daughter, Jessica and Son, Taylor) and four grandchildren (Sierra, Elias, Penelope and Layla). Currently, Jim is a parishioner at St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church in Dana Point, where he is a lector and member of the Knights of Columbus Council 12451.

He strongly supports Catholic education. Jim fondly recalls his grade school years at St. John the Baptist Catholic School in Costa Mesa, sharing that he "really enjoyed being raised there" because the nuns felt like additional mothers in his life. After grade school, Jim attended Mater Dei High School before moving to Estancia High School, where he met his wife.  

Coleen and Jim went on to attend UC Irvine, where he set the record as the university’s all-time leader in singles wins for tennis and earned the title of Big West Player of the Year three times. Jim earned his degree in Social Ecology, briefly played professional tennis before transitioning into a career in real estate.  

Jim is a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM), Certified Commercial Property Manager (CPM), a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), a member of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) and a member of the American Industrial Real Estate Association (AIR).  

Award Criteria

Para calificar, uno debe:

  • Ser un empresario reconocido con éxito en la comunidad
  • Ser un director ejecutivo, propietario o ejecutivo de alto rango actual o retirado de una empresa con muchos empleados
  • Dedícate a las prácticas comerciales éticas
  • Sea un ejemplo positivo de práctica ética en todos los aspectos de su vida
  • Tener un historial bien establecido de cualidades de liderazgo ético, incluido el trato justo a los empleados
  • Sé católico practicante
Past Honorees
Premio a la trayectoria de Farmers & Merchants

El ganador del premio es una persona, pareja u organización que ha hecho una contribución significativa a la comunidad dentro de la Diócesis de Orange. Varias personas homenajeadas anteriormente han tenido un efecto positivo en comunidades fuera del ámbito de nuestra diócesis.

Sr. Johnellen Turner, O.P.

Sr. JohnEllen Turner Bio Picture

Sister Johnellen Turner, O.P. is a proud native of Los Angeles. Answering God’s call, she entered religious life with the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. Her ministry has been devoted to education, serving as a teacher at several schools, including: St. Ignatius in Los Angeles, St. Callistus in Garden Grove and St. Elizabeth in Oakland.

She has also held leadership roles as Administrator and Principal at St. Callistus in Garden Grove, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Montecito, St. Anthony in San Francisco, St. Edward in Newark and St. Catherine’s Academy in Anaheim, where she served for 17 years.  

In addition to her work in schools, Sr. Johnellen has contributed to the broader educational community. She served as Associate Superintendent for the Diocese of Oakland, as well as Director of Schools and later Director of Sponsored Schools for the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. These roles encompassed oversight of more than 20 schools across California, Oregon and Mexico.

Her expertise has been sought after by numerous boards, where she has served as a member, including: Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, La Cañada Flintridge, Immaculate Conception Cristo Rey Academy, San Francisco, Diocesan School Board for Oakland, Servite High School, Anaheim, Notre Dame High School, Belmont and Strategic Planning Committee and Consultative School Board for the Diocese of Orange.

Currently, Sr. Johnsellen serves as the Mission Advancement Associate for the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. She is also a gifted Retreat Director, leading spiritual reflections for administrators, faculties, small groups, children, young adults and adults.


Farmers & Merchants Bank se ha asociado gentilmente con The Orange Catholic Foundation y ha apoyado la Conferencia sobre Negocios y Ética como patrocinador principal del evento y del Lifetime Achievement Award desde 2012.

James Wahlberg

Keynote Speaker:Orador principal:
Jim Wahlberg

Jim Wahlberg tiene como objetivo servir a Dios escribiendo, hablando, haciendo películas y sirviendo a nuestra comunidad. Es productor, escritor y director de películas, y usa sus talentos y experiencias para crear conciencia sobre la adicción a los opioides y señalar la esperanza que se encuentra en Cristo. Es autor de «The Big Hustle» y productor ejecutivo de la película documental número uno de todos los géneros, de 2022 «Madre Teresa: No hay amor más grande» y, más recientemente, «Jesus Sed: The Miracle of the Eucharist». Jim ha estado casado con su encantadora esposa, Benny, durante 30 años y tienen tres hijos.

Guest Panel

During the 22nd Annual Conference on Business & Ethics, a distinguished guest panel will share their knowledge and perspectives on Christ-centered service, ethical practices, living out their values in both personal and professional life and the transformative impact Catholic education has had on their experiences.

The 2025 CBE Guest Panel includes: 
Annette Walker, M.H.A., President, City of Hope Orange County
Oscar Gonzalez, Co-CEO, Northgate Gonzalez Market
Kevin Tiber, President, Farmers & Merchants Bank

The CBE Guest Panel will be moderated by Rand Sperry, CEO Sperry Commercial Global Affiliates.  

Emcee: Lucy Dunn

Como directora ejecutiva emérita del Consejo Empresarial del Condado de Orange, Lucy Dunn dirigió durante 16 años una dinámica organización empresarial, académica y gubernamental para garantizar la prosperidad económica y la alta calidad de vida de la región. Tras jubilarse, se desempeña de oficio como «representante empresarial» ante el Consejo Regional de la Asociación de Gobiernos del Sur de California, donde representa a más de 18,5 millones de personas y el gobierno federal le ha encomendado la tarea de investigar y planificar el transporte, la vivienda, la calidad del aire y más.

Antes de unirse a OCBC, fue la primera mujer presidenta de la Asociación de la Industria de la Construcción del Sur de California en sus 80 años de historia. Se desempeñó como directora del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario de California bajo la presidencia del gobernador Schwarzenegger, quien también la nombró miembro de la Comisión de Transporte de California en 2008. El gobernador Jerry Brown la volvió a nombrar para otros dos mandatos.

Dunn recibió el Premio del Obispo al Liderazgo Ejemplar. Se desempeña como directora o asesora de numerosas juntas sin fines de lucro, incluidas Homeful Foundation, Pacific Symphony, OC Human Relations y Jamboree Housing. Se desempeña como vicepresidenta de la junta directiva de la Fundación Católica de Orange.

OC Register la nombró una de las «100 personas más influyentes del condado de Orange». La Liga de Hábitats en Peligro de Extinción la honró por proteger el hábitat y los recursos culturales, al mismo tiempo que satisfacía las necesidades de movilidad. El Orange County Business Journal la nombró una de las 500 más influyentes de OC.

Además, es cantante en la Iglesia Católica de Santa Isabel Ann Seton, canta con los conjuntos de cámara Meistersinger y Meritage, y es la orgullosa madre de dos hijos con nueras consagradas y tres nietos que residen en el Área de la Bahía.

Lucy Dunn photo

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