Qué está pasando en OCF
Sus generosas acciones a través de The Orange Catholic Foundation tienen un impacto visible en nuestra comunidad católica.
Business & Ethics Persevere in a Pandemic
Influential business leaders gather at the Orange Catholic Foundation's Conference on Business & Ethics to discuss faith-based best practices. This event raises money to directly help students like Marvelle Figueroa, who thanks the foundation for making "God a part of my life on a daily basis." Read more about how the Orange Catholic Foundation is making a difference.
Strengthening and Nourishing Our Faith
Looking for ways to support Catholic education in Orange County? This article highlights the Orange Catholic Foundation's mission to provide financial resources for schools, parishes, and families. Discover how their endowment funds and strategic grant making are creating a lasting impact, and how you can be a part of the solution!
The Orange Catholic Foundation Responds to the Urgent Needs of Our Faith Community with the Catholic Emergency Response Fund
Our Catholic community in Orange County faces challenges due to COVID-19. This article highlights the creation of a new fund to support parishes, schools, and charities. Learn how your donation can help provide basic needs and ease the burden on families and individuals during this difficult time. Read more and learn how to donate to the Catholic Emergency Response Fund.
El propio arte de Dios
La Catedral de Cristo está siendo adornada con nuevo arte sacro de artistas de renombre. Estas obras de arte están destinadas a inspirar y evocar un sentido de adoración en los visitantes. Los artistas incluyen una mezcla de nombres establecidos y contemporáneos, todos enfocados en representar la vida de Jesucristo y la belleza de la fe. Se espera que el arte sea hermoso y que invite a la reflexión, y que aliente a los visitantes a contemplar su fe.
Actualización de la construcción de la Catedral de Cristo
Ya existe un impresionante símbolo de la transformación de la Catedral de Cristo: una cruz gigante adornada con joyas, la Crux Gemmata. Sigue leyendo para conocer esta pieza única y el progreso de la renovación de la catedral.
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