How Your Donations Support Catholic Life in Orange County

Your generosity fuels the mission of The Orange Catholic Foundation and helps lead more souls to heaven! With your guidance and philanthropic intent, gifts directly bless Catholic schools, parish life, retired priests and other Catholic ministries in the Diocese of Orange.


Distributed by OCF in 2023


Supported Catholic Schools


Supported Parishes, Retired Priests
and Other Ministries


Inspiring Stories

Your generous actions through The Orange Catholic Foundation have a visible impact across our Catholic community.

Help LA Fund Check Delivery
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A Lifeline of Hope for 92 Families Impacted by LA Wildfires

Los Angeles County wildfire survivors have experienced the Lord’s comfort and provision through the generosity of others—including from the Help LA Fund, established by The Orange Catholic Foundation (OCF) with the leadership of Bishop Kevin Vann and in partnership with the Diocese of Orange.
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Help LA Fund Interview on OC Catholic Radio

The Orange Catholic Foundation shares insights on the Help LA Fund and other initiatives in a special interview on Orange County Catholic Radio.
The Walker family during the plaque dedication ceremony in the Chapel in the Sky.
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Chapel Plaque Dedication Honors Faith and Heritage

A new plaque has been blessed and dedicated in the Dr. Robert and Arvella Schuller Chapel in the Sky on Christ Cathedral's campus. It honors the lives and philanthropic support of Kenneth and Nancy Walker, who were integral in making this ecumenical dwelling place a reality.
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the “Little Flower” reminds us, simplicity is the key to a life centered on Christ.
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Five Ways to Live Out God’s Call to Simplicity

As St. Thérèse reminds us, simplicity is the key to a life centered on Christ. It’s a lifestyle that allows us to live lighter, shedding the unnecessary to make room for the eternal. Here are five steps to embrace this spiritual simplicity.
In October 2024, Gene and Judy (center) joined the Catholic Professional Mass and Mixer hosted by The Orange Catholic Foundation and Charles Institute.
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High School Sweethearts Use IRA to Fulfill New Year’s Resolution

In 2024, parishioners from Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church felt called to deepen their commitment to philanthropy. With OCF’s guidance, Gene and Judy discovered how their retirement savings could help bring others to Christ while also providing significant tax benefits for their loved ones.
Christ Cathedral
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Christ Cathedral's Completion: Built on Generous Foundations

Witness the completion of Christ Cathedral's inspiring transformation and the dedication of a beautiful new chapel, a testament to faith and generosity.

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