Fund Types

Much More Than Dollar Donations

The Orange Catholic Foundation Logo on an orange background

Let us help you tailor your charitable gift to best serve you and your family while making a transformational impact on the church using assets beyond cash.  

Group of children posing for a photo

Endowment Funds are permanent funds that are invested for long term growth while providing a steady stream of income to the fund beneficiary for operations, programming or other organizational needs.

The Orange Catholic Foundation already manages several endowment funds. Click here to view a few of our featured funds.

Diagram of a donor advised fund

A Donor Advised Fund(DAF) is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to simplify their giving and have the versatility to give whenever their heart feels inclined. To fund a DAF, you make an initial, irrevocable gift of cash or appreciated stocks, real estate or other securities. The assets will continue to grow tax-free.

Once the account is funded, you can make grant recommendations monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually to the charity or charities of your choice. For example, you can recommend that the grant be used to support The Orange Catholic Foundation and direct your gift to your parish, a Catholic school or other Catholic ministry.

Click here to view more information about Donor Advised Funds.

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Scholarship Funds are endowed or non-endowed funds that are invested either for long or short term. Scholarship Funds may be established to provide an educational scholarship for a specific interest. Scholarships can support any level of education, and may be directed toward students who are graduates of a particular grade or high school, students planning to attend a particular secondary or post-secondary school, students in a particular field, or students from a certain geographical area, etc.

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Special Interest Funds are non-endowed funds that are invested for long term growth while providing a steady stream of income to the fund beneficiary for operations, programming or other organizational needs. These funds are non-endowed and may be granted in accordance with the fund agreement terms.

Looking for More Ways to Give?

We can schedule a meeting with you to talk

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