How Your Donations Support Catholic Life in Orange County

Your generosity fuels the mission of The Orange Catholic Foundation and helps lead more souls to heaven! With your guidance and philanthropic intent, gifts directly bless Catholic schools, parish life, retired priests and other Catholic ministries in the Diocese of Orange.


Distributed by OCF in 2023


Supported Catholic Schools


Supported Parishes, Retired Priests
and Other Ministries


Inspiring Stories

Your generous actions through The Orange Catholic Foundation have a visible impact across our Catholic community.

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Christ Cathedral Construction Update

Christ Cathedral's interior continues its transformation with extensive scaffolding for cleaning and painting, while plumbing and structural work progress in the undercroft.
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Transforming Christ Cathedral

Christ Cathedral, a beautiful landmark with a rich history, is undergoing renovations to become a beacon for the Catholic community in Orange County, offering new ministries and a stunning worship space.
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Christ Cathedral: A Campus In Transition

The once-iconic Crystal Cathedral campus has undergone a stunning transformation, becoming a vibrant Catholic center with a beautiful new school, renovated landmarks, and expanded gardens.
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Appreciation From Your Orange Catholic Foundation

Nearly 1,000 people gathered at our 14th Annual Conference on Business & Ethics at the Anaheim Hilton.
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Diocese of Orange Catholic Schools Make the Grade

OC Catholic TV sat down with Superintendent of Schools Greg Dhuyvetter to learn more about all aspects of the Catholic school system.

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